Download final fantasy vi orchestral soundtrack
Download final fantasy vi orchestral soundtrack

Also, this music, when it was performed in 2013, was the LSO’s first foray into video game music, and they have taken on other projects since then such as recording the classical music for Fantasia: Music Evolved, and I’m sure we can look forward to more in the future. Needless to say, this is a landmark recording for many reasons, the main one being that this is the biggest video game music album recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra so far. Not just any old recording though, once again Thomas Böcker has taken advantage of the opportunity and fulfilled another lifelong dream not only of his own, but of Nobuo Uematsu’s too, that of recording the album in December last year at the world famous studio where The Beatles among others made their name, Abbey Road Studios (if you look closely I’m sure you’ll find where Nobuo Uematsu wrote his signature on the wall outside the studio, the trailer for the album also shows him walking across the zebra crossing that The Beatles made famous). One and a half years after the triumph of Final Symphony in Germany and at the Barbican Centre in London, what many fans have hoped for has happened: Final Symphony now has a recording to it’s name.

Download final fantasy vi orchestral soundtrack